HMH Prospect Heights Care Center offers short term care services for individuals in need of 24-hour nursing care for short periods of time. Respite Care is typically beneficial to caregivers who are taking a vacation, are on a business trip, or who simply need a caregiving break.

Often, Respite Care clients are people living with a progressive illness such as Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementia and are being cared for by family members.

Respite Care can be for as little as a few days and as long as a few months.

Respite Care Services include::


We offer specialized services for Residents living with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementia. Our Activity and Recreation Programs are tailored for individuals with memory impairments and focus on each Resident’s abilities, not his or her disabilities.

We utilize Physicians who are licensed Geriatricians, specializing in the clinical needs of older adults. Typically these Geriatricians are the primary care Physician for Residents on our Long Term Care Units and are trained to effectively work with the needs of the Alzheimer’s patient.